Joe Rocket Phoenix Motorcycle Pants Review

Motorcykel bukser
Are the Joe Rocket Phoenix pants account the money? Joe Rocket has a solid acceptability back it comes to motorcycle gear. Do these motorcycle pants alive up to this reputation? We accord you the lowdown.

Fit and Comfort

The Joe Rocket Phoenix pants are accessible in sizes alignment from Small to 5XL. They tend to run a bit big, so back in doubt, go with a abate admeasurement than you commonly would. Additionally agenda that the inseam admeasurement doesn't alter with the waist size. However, the pants do appear in a accepted and "short" length.

TheseMotorcykel bukser are hardly baggy, as they are advised to be beat over top of your artery clothes. Joe Rocket Phoenix pants can be beat over a brace of jeans or dockers after a problem.


This is the primary class by which any motorcycle blow should be judged. Bear in apperception that the Joe Rocket Phoenix pants are advised for breathability. They are fabricated of bolt (rather than leather).

A brace of blubbery covering pants will action the best protection. However, they'll additionally leave you decrepit with diaphoresis by the time you ability your destination. The Joe Rocket Phoenix pants action acceptable breathability to accumulate you as air-conditioned as possible.

These motorcycle pants appear with CE knee protectors and added at the hip. They will not authority up in a 50 backyard drift beyond the pavement, but they absolutely action added aegis than your accustomed artery clothes alone.


The Joe Rocket Phoenix pants retail for $160. If you're lucky, you can acquisition a acceptable accord about 25% beneath retail. I use They accept a advertisement of the best deals on Joe Rocket Motorcycle Pants, so I don't accept to absorb my time attractive the web.


If you are attractive for pants that will assure you during a abatement while you're ripping through the canyon, you are attractive at the amiss pants here. However, if you are attractive for article to abrasion over your artery clothes back you are commuting to accommodate a little added aegis while still acceptance your anatomy to breathe, the Joe Rocket Phoenix pants are a acceptable choice.

For accustomed driver motorcycle pants, the Joe Rocket Phoenix pants are a actual accepted selection. If you demand a little added protection, I'd acclaim the Joe Rocket Speedmaster pants or Blaster pants.

Best Deals on Joe Motorcykel bukser

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